English Fiction in the 1930s
Professor Chris Sheffield Hallam University Hopkins
Not Available
Seeking Meaning for Goethe's Faust
Professor J M van der Laan
Sexuality and the Erotic in the Fiction of Joseph Conrad
Professor Jeremy Emeritus Professor and 2 more
Coleridge and German Philosophy
Professor Paul Hamilton
Modernism and the Post-Colonial
Peter Newman University and 2 more
Recalling London
Dr Alex Murray
The Measureless Time of Joyce, Deleuze and Derrida
Dr Ruben Borg
Money, Speculation and Finance in Contemporary British Fiction
Dr Nicky Marsh
Contemporary Fiction and Christianity
Andrew Lancaster University and 1 more
Male Jealousy
Dr Louis Lo
Character and Satire in Post War Fiction
Dr Ian Gregson
Novels of the Contemporary Extreme
Dr AlainPhilippe Durand
Ecstasy and Understanding
Dr Adrian Grafe
Active Reading
Professor Ben Knights and 1 more
Marginality in the Contemporary British Novel
Dr Nicola Allen
Lacan and the Destiny of Literature
Dr Ehsan Azari
Contemporary British Fiction and the Artistry of Space
David James
Romanticism, Literature and Philosophy
Simon Swift
Jonathan Franzen at the End of Postmodernism
Stephen J University of Glasgow and 1 more
Fictions of Globalization
Dr James Annesley
Beckett's Books
Dr Matthew University of York and 1 more
Dickens, Christianity and 'The Life of Our Lord'
Dr Gary Colledge
The Quest for God in the Work of Borges
Dr Annette U Flynn
Mapping World Literature
Dr Mads Aarhus University and 1 more
Bret Easton Ellis's Controversial Fiction
Dr Sonia BaeloAllué
Aesthetic Afterlives
Dr Andrew Eastham
Keats and Negative Capability
Li Ou
London Gothic
Dr Lawrence Phillips
Ethics and Desire in the Wake of Postmodernism
Graham Matthews
Pastoral Elegy in Contemporary British and Irish Poetry
Iain Twiddy
The South Pacific Narratives of Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London
Coleridge and Kantian Ideas in England, 1796-1817
Dr Monika Class